Digital Marketing

Why SEO Is Important to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO should be at the core of any digital marketing strategy. SEO helps drive visitors from search engines without incurring an advertising spend and gives you an edge by ranking higher for target keywords in search engine results pages.

SEO can be an intricate and challenging process that may be confusing to novices. It requires significant research and analysis of Google algorithms in order to fully comprehend their workings; furthermore, SEO practices constantly change as search engines upgrade or introduce new features – thus it’s essential to remain up-to-date on current best practices and solutions for SEO.

SEO provides you with an opportunity to connect with customers at key moments during their customer journey and build brand recognition at crucial moments of the customer journey. SEO also ensures your content reaches as many relevant people as possible at every relevant place online.

Due to SEO’s increased visibility and brand recognition, it can help your organization capture a larger share of its market. Over time this could translate to increased revenues and growth; but keep in mind that SEO requires patience and perseverance before yielding real results.

Some businesses rely on SEO as a short-term strategy, hoping for immediate results. Although this approach might work for certain businesses, it’s important to keep in mind that SEO should be seen as an investment for the long term – it will return dividends over time!

One of the key pitfalls for businesses when trying to justify SEO investments is focusing on irrelevant metrics. Too often they focus on keyword ranking improvements or increases in search impressions in Google Search Console instead of correlating these figures with business goals like increased sales or market share gains.

SEO professionals attempt to resolve this issue through attribution models, which entail using rules that determine which conversion touchpoints contribute most towards reaching specific business goals. For instance, if the goal of your campaign is encouraging more businesses to switch from traditional landlines to VoIP phone numbers, linking SEO performance metrics with metrics such as percentage of visitors who sign up for free trials or upgrade subscription plans might help.

By doing this, you can gain a clearer idea of how SEO efforts are contributing to business success and determine if any adjustments need to be made to your campaign. Doing this will also demonstrate its worth to internal stakeholders and get them onboard with expanding digital marketing budget. By using metrics effectively, clients and internal stakeholders can see SEO’s value while driving greater business success over time.